Privatisation of Education in India

 Privatisation of Education in India 

Education in India is a state subject. Each state has its own standard and pattern of education. There is hardly any uniformity in our system of education. Anything under the control of the government, state or centre, proves to be most expensive and least productive. And education is no exception. The schools and colleges run by the government are big failures. The teachers there are paid the highest but they show the poorest results. On the other hand, teachers in private institutions are poorly paid and yet they show very good results. It is no justification for poor salaries but it does show that there is no co-relation between good salaries and good results. Education should be privatised and chen those who are really of worth, will naturally get paid accordingly. Private institutions should be allowed to frame their own syllabuses and hold their own examinations. And then those char excel i producing the best scholars will naturally tower over all others. All petty educational shops will then naturally go into extinction. 

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