Criminalization of Politics

  Criminalization of Politics 

There is hardly any politician who takes to politics with the desire to serve his people. It js merely the hunger for power and money that draws each one to politics. It is only criminals who join politics, They manage to win elections by holding out false promises, by bribing the voters, by threatening their opponents and by rigging the polls. Thus, we can say that politics has been fully criminalized. It has become a fiefdom of criminals. That is why the yoter turn-out in all elections hardly ever touches fifty per cent. And those who turn our have either been bribed or threatened. The common voter has lost interest in these elections because he knows that all the contestants are chips of the same block. One criminal will take the place of another criminal and nothing will ever change. The criminalization of politics has currupted the entire Indian polity. When those in power are corrupt, society as a whole js bound to be corrupt. It is a free-for-all situation. There seems no way that can purge our nation of criminal politicians. Only God knows where our country is heading. 

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