Elections and Democracy Paragraph In English

Elections and Democracy 

voting machines

Democracy is a system of government by all the people of a country. It is a system of enternal through representatives from different parts of the country. These representatives are elected by the people of respective constituencies. Thus elections form the very basis of a democracy. Without free and fair elections, there can be no true democracy. It is through these elections that the common people can raise their voice. It is th they can choose representatives of their choice. These representatives tough election, te period only. Thus they have to be watchful about the interests of the people they repersent And if they don’t come up to the expectations of the people, they are rejected at the time of the next elections. That is why democracy has been called a government by the people of the people and for the people. And democracy can be possible only if there are and fair elections. Without elections, democracy can never survive. They are the very life of democracy.

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